Tuesday, 3 July 2012

madagascar 3d

milla & jake went to their first movie on monday with my sister - big outing - lots of excitement - i did get the giggles when i got an sms from carolyn saying they were besides themselves with the 3d glasses - we never realized the movie was 3d - luckily they handled & didn't freak out!


lyonsloudroar said...

Sweet man, that's what I miss the most about not being in Durban - all the first outings, etc.!

Amber said...

Soooo cute- so glad they weren't frightened! x Aunty does such cool stuff with them!

coelho said...

So special x

Caro said...

And THIS is why I came home! xx

AMBER said...

I am officially sulking!:)

coelho said...

hopefully one day ambs....keep living in hope!